As an NLP instructor, therapist, and personal coach, I am dedicated to helping individuals improve their communication skills, overcome personal challenges, achieve their goals and be Happy!

thank you cubes

Hello & Welcome,

My name is Eyal Rozen, and I’m an NLP therapist, instructor, and life coach from Tel Aviv, Israel.

I know what it’s like to struggle and feel stuck in your personal growth journey. When I first started out on my own self-improvement journey, I felt overwhelmed and had no idea where to begin. I was in my late 20s and had no idea what am I doing on this planet. Nobody even knew I was so lost. On the outside, everybody knew me as a high-tech employee, with a small apartment and a cat. I even got married at some point, and life looked pretty good. But it wasn’t. I was dead from the inside. I really felt like life is over, and all I got left is to live the same day every day… who knows for how long.

At some point back in 2009, I went to a meetup about life coaching. I had no idea what it is but I was so down, that I didn’t have anything to lose. That night, which I will never forget, was one of the most important turning points of my life. I felt like I revealed some kind of secret formula, which is made by words only. I was amazed. It took me 3 days to register for the course, and I didn’t know it will be only the first step for me.

That course was over, and almost automatically, I registered for the advanced course. After finishing this one, I was still hungry for more knowledge. I took a deep dive into the personal growth world and started to get to know all those methods and tools. I felt so lucky to find something that makes me feel alive. At that point, I made a list of things I want to know and put it deep in my closet.

Since then, Life kept bringing on challenges, and I kept learning how to cope with them. I learned Huna, which is a Hawaiian healing method. It helped me a lot to overcome so many challenges. I learned a lot about Meditation, which helped me to calm down and be more aware of how my mind works.

After a couple of years of being a life coach, I wanted to expand my knowledge and work with youth. It was when I heard about Alfred Adler and his Individual psychology theory. So I went and learned about it and became a certified youth coach. It made me help first of all my own inner child, who was neglected inside of me. This process was so strong, and I knew that I found my destiny.

Of course, life had its own plans, and at that point, I got divorced in a very long and challenging process. While dealing with my own crises and challenges, I started to learn NLP. I can say that without it, I can’t even imagine where I was today.

After finishing the Practitioner and Master Practitioner certifications, I went to learn how to deal with Trauma and grief with the NLP tools, and apart from my self-healing process, my clinic started to be full most of the time.

One day I met a colleague who introduced me to the law of attraction, and I fell in love with it. It was such an eye-opening and exciting knowledge for me, and have been using it ever since.

In the years after, NLP has become my favorite tool for personal growth. It helped me to deal with stress and anxiety, it improved my communication with myself and others, and it also opened up new doors for me, both in personal and business.

It got to the point that I realized I got a lot of tools, and I already had hundreds of hours of experience with all kinds of issues and ages. It feels so natural and fulfilling now, to help others in their own life journey. I thought to myself, why don’t I help those people who are just starting on their path? So I started an NLP blog, called Sunshine of the Soul.

On this website, I share everything that helped me overcome challenges at all ages. I have a lot of knowledge about NLP, gratitude, and meditation techniques, which were so helpful for me, and I want to use that knowledge to help others.

My goal is to show people that life doesn’t have to be a struggle. We can choose, on a daily basis, how we’re going to live and what we’re going to give to our lives. And the best part is that it’s all in our minds, and that’s where we can use NLP to transform our lives for the best.

If you’re looking for help in overcoming challenges or simply want to learn the tools of personal growth, then come and visit me at Sunshine of the Soul! I’ll be happy to share my knowledge with you.

Thanks for reading, I wish you all the best life can offer.

and remember, Things are always working out.

With Love,


Certified Life Coach

Certified Youth Life Coach

Certified NLP Master Practitioner (and instructor)

LOA enthusiastic